Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Big Day
I went to grab some groceries during my lunch hour and was recruited to buy new lithium batteries for our panic buttons at work.
Yeah, I work where we have a network of panic buttons. So after a quick grocery stop I head to the hardware store where there are no sales associates to assist me, as per usual and I'm wandering around aimlessly and staring at the wrenches and finally, traipsing through Guam I find Quentin from Lumber who calls Duane from Electric and all three of us discern that the batteries they have are not the right ones. Walmart it is.
I'm in Walmart where I become more lost by the second, also a typical thing, and wander into electronics where I find the right batteries. I walk to the register and wait behind two non-English speakers who were really into buying only a case of Poland Spring and the cashier tells me I can't buy my batteries tax exempt without a "little gray card." The card can be apprehended at the Service Desk, about a half-mile away. I reach it and wait for the hipster couple to return some used clothing and am told that my agency already has a "little gray card" but they can make the sale without it in a moment.
That moment the earth moved a 5.8 scaled quake.
I thought I was passing out from the strenuous contact with consumer culture, but sure enough when I looked up everyone was as bewildered as I was, though no one said a thing. A minute later someone said,
"Was that me?"
And everyone spoke at once, about how it must have been the building, they thought they were getting dizzy, they thought they had touched the counter wrong, etcetcetc. I get my change and blink into the parking lot, people are milling around like a disturbed ant colony and walk to my car and, just before opening the door, A tiny old lady appears and says
"They've really gotta stop moving my car on me while I'm in there!"
Ladies and gentlemen: Perfection.
I followed the fire trucks to State Street and felt very small.
After work I packed up my life as I knew it and picked up Cricket, the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011

What the eff. I'm a neglectful blogger. No wonder I can't kick up my heels and shake life by the shoulders in a brisk manner- I forget my convictions!
The moon was lovely and I came out of my little shell and sang and strangers who turn into comrades are just the best, especially when mixed with people you love being around.
I am
Even if I don't, the moon was still lovely.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Strange Magic
Ithaca Farmer's Market: 10 AM, April 2nd.
From yards away my companion and I spot an artist's booth with a cardboard figure hanging from it. I gasp, awestruck, and say "Look at that man! I wish he could be mine" to which my friend replied, "Five bucks and he's yours."
We were way too far away to see if he was even for sale- he looked like a sign for the booth, an advertisement that she probably wouldn't want to part with if we asked. Skeptical, I relayed these reservations but my friend put them to rest, saying "Everything here is for sale for the right price, and mine is five dollars. If he's five dollars, he's yours."
We approached. We saw a tag. The tag read $5.
I love him almost as much as I love saying, "There's a man hovering over my bed."
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I Need a Muzzle
Bought a big half moon cookie for one dollar even.
Sat in the parking lot with the engine running and stared at it.
Vowed only ONE bite until I was safely nestled at home to enjoy it.
Best thing ever.
Almost broke said vow at a stoplight.
...And outside my house.
Ate the remainder [inhaled] standing up next to my fridge with groceries thawing, still in their bags.
I need a muzzle.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Home Coming
After a four month hiatus, I believe its high time to return to this abandoned little project. In the interim, I made a little set of rooms a home, drank a few gallons of coffee, watched the same movie every morning, tracked the moon's phases, played in the snow by myself, and tried to kick start the things I want in my life. My internet connection is dismally slow (read borrowed) but I'm back; get used to it. Missed you!